Looking for the Fig Tree

Looking for the Fig Tree

Finding a way forward with words, music, and empathy.

29 May 2020

Processing Grief and Mourning

A lone candle burning in the night.

My heart is heavy and burdened tonight. As of this writing, protests and riots are occurring across the United States in reaction to the death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of police. This is on the heels of the shooting of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor .

Our society is failing its people. Failing to assure each other of our shared humanity and God given worth. Failing to render reforms that lead to a belief that things will get better. It simply isn’t happening. It’s a lot easier to point out and condemn rioting and looting but a lot harder to look at decades of systemic racism, in policy and policing. It certainly doesn’t help that our leader is more interested in pouring gasoline onto the fire , enabling, emboldening, and normalizing behavior utterly devoid of empathy, kindness, or humility. It is up to us to do the work – to build bridges, adjudicate conflict, and to model and represent the values and actions that we wish for ourselves and our children.

This past week, the US marked the milestone of 100,000 people dying as a result of COVID-19.

This Sunday (May 31st, 2020) at 9pm, I’ll be playing music to process and mourn the deep systemic injustices and tragedies that are rocking our world.